Guess what's this?
Isn't it cute?

It's actually cigarette! LAUGHS!

A lesson: Things that LOOK nice, actually aren't nice at all! >.<
Our presentation. LOL. Formal us!

Lastly, In poly, I hate tis teacher! Fking SUCKS! She look down on ITE students, Knn! I'll try to take a front look of her!

Yesterday I went to his place to stay. G
uess what. I can actually sleep for another 1hr!
ONE hr is lyk so MUCH to mi! Fking near to my sch la! LOL.
Bad point, no internet connection. =p
If not a can move over le. Jkjk!
He fetch to me sch. Luckily Ru Ru was oready there.
If not I alone. LOL.
Elynn and maggie joined us to library aft sch.
So damn early la!
Edwin was lyk a robot and hero to us.
He completed every work la! LOL.
We all were lyk. OMG. He's god la! Claps claps! =D
Work is getting bored to mi.
Unless I can work with my baobei den its another ting le.
With 3hrs sleep aday, I feel lyk I'm dying soon.
So unhealthy can! Chocolates every night to keep mi awake =.-
I need MORE! LOL.
I'm craving for chocolates! =D
Don't tell me that U WILL.
When u DONT.
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