24hrs a day is simply not enuff!!
I guess not onli I tink so! >.<
This few days I could saw I spent it quite prefectly =)
The Mothers' day, Gradu and outing =)
The Mothers' day, Gradu and outing =)
Comment tests cuming I was lyk still stuck with my projects!
I'm fortunate enuff to get unite teammates! =D
U guys rox! LOL.
Ling Ying, the crazy one.
Edwin, the anxious one.
Tian hong, the mood swinger.
Hoho. Tue's ITB presntation. Count me out for the funny action ur going to do! LOL.
Wed will be LMS. Phew~ Aft all these
Wed will be LMS. Phew~ Aft all these
Biz mangement and common tests!
Holiday holiday! I'm waiting for you!!

TWINNY's Treat at Billy Bombers! Woo~ Nice!!

Mango and Chocolate Cola!!
I'm so in love with this top! <3
p/s: Twinny~ Glad tt u've decided! Good luck and work hard towards ur goal k! Anything jux give mi a call! =)
Hahas! Tts the end of our dating! =))
p/s: RURU, cum back from KL le call mi la!! >.<
I've bought my mum a four-leaf clover. She loves it, but it cost mi a bomb. LOL. =p
Woo~ A long entry wif lots of pics! LOL.
End my post wif my lovely granny~ LAUGHs!
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