knn! I really cant spent my fking half day at MY home study!
My bro asked frens over for ITE's role play.
I've experienced it before and it surely laugh.
Their laughter are as loud as the thunder! =.=
Working have covered half of my day.
Now wif the noise!
I cant stand it la!
Y cant time jux stop for mi!
I've got no time for common test!!!!
I hate to spent hours at here staring my lappy n learn nth! >.<
I hope I could shout out all my troubles!
Sometime, staying his hse is not a good choice for mi.
Each time I'll ki siao.
I dunno y, I dunno how he tolerate mi too >.<
It's abit late for mi to give up on my study.
'everything will be fine~ Holiday is cuming!'
Good luck FRIENDS! =D
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008

24hrs a day is simply not enuff!!
I guess not onli I tink so! >.<
This few days I could saw I spent it quite prefectly =)
The Mothers' day, Gradu and outing =)
The Mothers' day, Gradu and outing =)
Comment tests cuming I was lyk still stuck with my projects!
I'm fortunate enuff to get unite teammates! =D
U guys rox! LOL.
Ling Ying, the crazy one.
Edwin, the anxious one.
Tian hong, the mood swinger.
Hoho. Tue's ITB presntation. Count me out for the funny action ur going to do! LOL.
Wed will be LMS. Phew~ Aft all these
Wed will be LMS. Phew~ Aft all these
Biz mangement and common tests!
Holiday holiday! I'm waiting for you!!

TWINNY's Treat at Billy Bombers! Woo~ Nice!!

Mango and Chocolate Cola!!
I'm so in love with this top! <3
p/s: Twinny~ Glad tt u've decided! Good luck and work hard towards ur goal k! Anything jux give mi a call! =)
Hahas! Tts the end of our dating! =))
p/s: RURU, cum back from KL le call mi la!! >.<
I've bought my mum a four-leaf clover. She loves it, but it cost mi a bomb. LOL. =p
Woo~ A long entry wif lots of pics! LOL.
End my post wif my lovely granny~ LAUGHs!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
If I'm going to trust you again,
I guess I'm the dumbest in this world!
I guess I'm the dumbest in this world!

Time flies! I'm getting older and its getting more n more paiseh to say 'Happy Mothers' Day' to my mum. Cos we dun even say Thank you. =.=
Thought at times i might be angry with her, hate her, scold her, talked back, argue wif her.. ... blah blah. Tell me which children don't?
Well, I still gonna wish her. Mayb through sms. LOL.
Some mothers I would like to wish too!
When you read it, pls tell your mum i DO rmb her! LAUGHs! =D
Not according to first or last, my neighbour's mum! Wei qiang's mum =), Regina's mum *^, Min Hui's mum =>, Sasa's mum ^^ Needless to say, my grandMOTHER and Ronal's! =D
Although I'm not their children, they treated me as 1! =) LOL.
Sch was fun with all my crazies around! O.O
Hahas! Alot more to upload! =D Projects projects!
Its gonna brust my mind! >.<
Endurance its the only word I could want.
My lappi skin!!! I LOVES COLOURS!
I DIY inside myself. And it looks super sux! My bro strongly agreed! >.<
This is the 1 I'm aiming too! =) But ru ru get it!
Together, we changed 'our' skin. Got it?! LOL
Every Sat I'll have a gaining weight session. =p
Before working, deary quiyi and I went to have KFC for brunch.
Since time still early, I went to do piercing again. Hoho.
Another 3. There goes my money. Laughs!
Late afternoon, ice-cream for tea break, mee and porridge for dinner. O.O
We are a big eater eh. She got gastric pain. Poor thing. Take care la! =)
P/s: Sweetie, my apologies for not attending your bday today! Do tell me if you going your bf's hse k! =D
My god, I'm meeting my sucky twinny Tue on the gradu party!
Wooo~! I hope she wun grow any shorter! HAHAS!
Twinny, U mus have miss me badly! Ruru, I know you too! =p
Thursday, May 08, 2008
BORED! Nothing to do now.
Having MICro. Classmates were listening attentively while mi n ruru,
Having MICro. Classmates were listening attentively while mi n ruru,
Drinking our popocha, MSN, blogging. =.=
See.. ... .. LOL..
Alright, I look so fking fat. But hu cares! HAha!
Not working for today n tml due to projects!
Sat b4 work oso projects! *faint*
Ruru and rene rene, we shall go shop shop during HOLIDAY!! =D
I watched this when I'm in bad mood >.<
I seriously hate my mum la!
I seriously hate my mum la!
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Guess what's this?
Isn't it cute?

It's actually cigarette! LAUGHS!

A lesson: Things that LOOK nice, actually aren't nice at all! >.<
Our presentation. LOL. Formal us!

Lastly, In poly, I hate tis teacher! Fking SUCKS! She look down on ITE students, Knn! I'll try to take a front look of her!

Yesterday I went to his place to stay. G
uess what. I can actually sleep for another 1hr!
ONE hr is lyk so MUCH to mi! Fking near to my sch la! LOL.
Bad point, no internet connection. =p
If not a can move over le. Jkjk!
He fetch to me sch. Luckily Ru Ru was oready there.
If not I alone. LOL.
Elynn and maggie joined us to library aft sch.
So damn early la!
Edwin was lyk a robot and hero to us.
He completed every work la! LOL.
We all were lyk. OMG. He's god la! Claps claps! =D
Work is getting bored to mi.
Unless I can work with my baobei den its another ting le.
With 3hrs sleep aday, I feel lyk I'm dying soon.
So unhealthy can! Chocolates every night to keep mi awake =.-
I need MORE! LOL.
I'm craving for chocolates! =D
Don't tell me that U WILL.
When u DONT.
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