She promised to help mi in e mrg shift.. So tt i can do my bc hmwk..
BUT, i scare she cant wake up lor.. Arghx~!
Wking wif auntie has been more relax for mi ..
Dunno is nu ren go tell her anyting or wat..
Auntie mop e floor.. wash toilet.. *wink*
Gd gd.. I reached home not so tired.. Hahahs...
Bought mi dinner 2day!
When i was SO lazy~ deciding wat to eat..
He cum in kajiao mi..
Den i ask him go buy.. LOL..
Of cos~ Gentlemen!! He treated mi.. =))
Hmm.. Actually 2day after work going their charlet, but i didnt..
Funeral finished ytd, 2day gt sth on.. Plus i had my own reasons..
So decided not to go.. Well, if u tink i hving lots of excuses.. Den jiu suan le ba.. =)
Wahaha! Qy will b back in sooooon!!
Well, iora nv called mi le.. Think i might b free every sun when she's back..
But mama asked mi call them ask.. -.-
Gif mi a break pls..
But i'll go back sooner or later..
I cant make myself sooooooo free staying at home anyhow tink..
I cant afford to be soooo free to go shopping every week.. thought i LOVEss it!
Su su back wif jie jie.. Cum back wif LOTsss of chocolate!!
I LOVES it! Thks thks!! LOL..
Somehow i tink... All sec fren r so kpo! Stop all stupid rubbish! LOL..
Chocolate n white biscuits!

Woo~ ChocolateSSSS!

OMG! 5 little tiny chocolates cost $10++??!!

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