Aft sch, was raining sooo heavy!!
Luckly, regina has umbrella.. 2 of us, shared 1..
Half of my body was totally WET!
Its jux lyk somebody splash water on mi.. LOL..
Actually we plan to go Mall for lunch..
But sweet regina see mi sleep till sooooo nice, she suggest she go ta bao jiu hao..
Haha.. I was not hungry.. Den say ok.. Since Im sooo TIRED!
Nearly missed my bus stop..
Bus suddenly 'tabulei' Den wake mi up, i quick quick dash down.. HAHA..
Reached home, a cup of sliming tea, had some MINI chocolates which my godma bought at Vivo tt day..
Its MINI le k?? I din eat much too.. Cos still sick.. =p
Arghx~! I hate sick laR! Everyting oso cannot eat! >.<
Su su lyk moii parents.. everytime see mi, ask mi 'drink water.. ..' 'Eat less chocolate... ...' 'take medic... ...'
Naggy!! LOL..
I will recover few weeks later eh!
Anyway, wking at clinc doesn't mean i cant sick k?
I jux dun wan see doc for medic nia.. Mind u, I'm oso human! LOL.. =x
Well, acc.. I quite understand le..
See.. I need pple say, push mi to study i den WILL..
Thks eh every1! LOL.. =D
Stupid rite? Pple oready doing revision..
I was lyk jux started my 'Disposal'.. Siao lor..
Nvm.. Mus jia you! >.<
Now is Statistic.. CA cuming.. Gosh~
Mus gt more off days for study le..
Upload some pics regina jux send mi.. den gonna blow dry my hair.. Take a short nap b4 go work.. >.<
Haha.. Where was i sitting??

They oways gt to wait for mi! LOL.. I admit my eating is damn slooooow..

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