Saturday, January 12, 2008

Funny babe's clip! Hahaha! Saw it in you tube. LOL.

Ytesterday went NYP open house with 8 of my 'family'. LOL
After we heard all the requirements, all of us was lyk losing confident in ourselves.
5-10% of whole ITE students could get in =.=
Out of so many campus! *faint*

I'm telling my mum that if i couldn't get into poly, I wanna study private.
She ask mi to work and study part time.
Lyk that I will spent longer time to complete.
She jux dun understand. Asking me to pay for myself. =.=
Think even got in poly, I oso be paying for myself.
If got into poly, I might not working le. So stress can~!
Got to work and work now. Earn for my own study! >.<
I'll be the happiest if money could drop down from the sky. LOL.

Anyway, went out with Elaine and her bf's frens.
One of they drive car. But totally 'lu chi' HAHA. =x
Saw a simple cotton dress i lyk. But last piece. =(
CNY is coming! Mus quickly get my stuff! =)

Got to prepare for work now =.=
I hate working. But i simply cant stop working!
She's making my life
Ah ma use to say whenever i saw her, 'find a rich man marry! Don't need study!'
Hohohoo.. Laughs!

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