Will be a super long post! :D
Im SO bored in office (as usual) :(
Nth to do can kills me! *Dislike*
Working so far so good. Every month get paid for nth. -.-
But I hope work will be slowly coming up. Not suddenly.
As for whether to further my studies anot, alot people has been asking.
Time being, no. Will earn and than decide again. :)
Working life for now can be rather bored.
Thinking of taking leave to stay a day at home, also don't bear.
Like wasted. Hahaha! Same goes to MC.
After work, my body always tell me to go home and have an early night.
But my brain don't want to. 'Wasted' a day if straight home.
Hahaha! Sometimes, life can be very fickle.
But as long as we are happy, who cares. :)
Watched a great movie! :)
Funny and 'scary'! :D

Two days back!
The Handburger for dinner!
Three days back!
Meet up with Jo for dinner at MS!
Watched Barney show (Sing n dance) hahahah!
Cute max with he hug his own stomach. :)
Dinner! :D
She chopped her hair!
RIBS!! :)
Chicken!! :)
Clinic gals outing! :D
CA and me!
CA and me!
She became my 2nd working kaki aft ahyi left. Lol
Thai food!
Awesome!! :)
Yummy food! Should try! :)
Dessert aftermath!
Famous Ah Chew!
Famous Ah Chew!
So coincidence, saw Weijie and a group of poly mates there! Hahah!
I deserve good food after made a important complains at Starhub. Hahaha!
Chicken wings!
Nando's with Ah Min one of the day we after our work. :)
Hahaha! I remember after that went to see 'Ah qua' :x
Alright, another day out with clinic gals!
Wore my lovely dress that his mum bought for me!
This brand is coming to Singapore very soon!
Can't wait. :)
Went dinner with Wave, dunno when also.
Everyday lunch we really had no idea what to eat.
Mac is making me fat already!! >.<
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