I've got a 'sexy' voice!!! =.=
Am feeling terrible plus awful plus restless!
My throat was getting worst till I couldn't speaks! ><
My nose was blocked and this affect my sense of taste and smell.
Damn it!
After my fever, all sickness came out slowly.
Qy mentioned, 'People sore throat first den slowly fever. U opp de lei'
Wth. My body function it opp way?! =.=
Watever it is,
I just feel so sickening when these 'germs' attack me at the super wrong time!
While getting close to project deadline, more projects to do, tutorials, assignments and more celebrations coming up!
Random updates!
LILING'S 21ST BIRTHDAY! =DAm feeling terrible plus awful plus restless!
My throat was getting worst till I couldn't speaks! ><
My nose was blocked and this affect my sense of taste and smell.
Damn it!
After my fever, all sickness came out slowly.
Qy mentioned, 'People sore throat first den slowly fever. U opp de lei'
Wth. My body function it opp way?! =.=
Watever it is,
I just feel so sickening when these 'germs' attack me at the super wrong time!
While getting close to project deadline, more projects to do, tutorials, assignments and more celebrations coming up!
Random updates!
We were invited to this Roof Garden at Suntec for buffet.
Gosh~ It's her daddy actually booked half of it jux for her bday!
He paid for everyone! Wooot!
It's kinda warm there but nevertheless, we enjoyed ourselves! =))
See this happy birthday girl. lol

Her cake so AWESOME!! Thump up!
But the waitress gave such a tiny piece! ><

Alright, next was FOOD!!
Our table no. =)

Uncooked food.

Choose what you like to have and hand the plate to the chief,
let them do their job! =)

Ok! Ready to eat!
Salad! There's ALOT of kinds!

Dessert! =D


Random of myself! XD

Went out with Jo another day for shopping and movie!!
Movie was decided so suddenly she called at night.
Watched midnight movie that day with her, Dino, Chris and myself. =))
SUPER nice show!!!!!!

Shopping that day!
Went HK cafe for dinner! =D
Meet out again girl! =)

Out with clique from ITE - Poly! =))

Movie we watched! =)

Know why her expression this way? O.O

Cos she saw such a big sword fish! LOL!! =.=

Okok. Our FOOD!

Another outing with them was giving Vic another surprise!! =D
To Billy Bombers for lunch and treated her!
Mi n Mic.
While waiting for them again cos every wed we are the only who end lesson at 1pm while they end at 2pm. =)

Food Food!!

More outing!! =D

They celebrated on the same day, Halloween Night! O.O
At the same place, just few blocks away =))
Unfortunately, it was raining heavily during the evening time.
But I guess they did enjoy themselves!
Did went down and meet YunRu.
We than 'tian mi mi' shared an umbrella walk in. LOL!

Cecilia spend hours of her beauty sleep to make this! o.O


My apologies to Shilin.
For not celebrating her birthday cos I'm not feeling well! =(
Hope you enjoyed urself kies!
Happy Birthday!! =D
Today I had spent my whole day staying at home aft my work.
I couldn't get myself to do any sch work.
Had been talking n I'm lyk using MAX level of my throat to speaks well.
It jux dun work. =.=
Where's my motivation?!
I can feel my dumbness.
I admit, I'm slow in learning/studying.
Sometimes I really blame my brain why so slow in learning!
But that's NOT what I wanted can!
Alright, tml 9am-5pm in school. Hopefully my friends wouldnt get pissed off while talking to me! ><

P/s: If your are unhappy with my school work, I rather you say it out den letting me feel ur unhappiness can. =.=
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