Back to blog!!
FINALLY I've the time to blog! =)
Holiday ending soon.
I did spend well! All days w/o fail being working or hanging out wif friends! =D
18 June 09
The day we brought mum to have Swensens =D



After work, AhQ passed mi biscuits and a little gift for mi! Cos he went malaysia.
Nice gift! Cant take photo of tt la. But I lovveeess it! Thanks! =D

19 June 09
Last Fri, as promised, I took off and meet AhQ and he planned everyting of the day.
Cool~ first, he brought me to this cafe.
Nice and coxy~!! Must try man! =))

Iced water served in this glass bottle.

Super nice drinks!

Yummmmmy foods!! XD
Curry fries!

Walk around and chit chat.
Headed to Swensens for ice cream!
Cos that time wif mum they dun wanna eat! >< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEibVVFxZlo2gy1oHsDsF4Au85K_LMQL47FtmwIKqVa8iSEsRr9L3EH4eyw6vRc8rmJ0LszZeLTca3NIREXlfD9JUJsqretoWVAAlUkOWO-2Ol5rXPoMlt3d8ReJAayVvhBJFyOA/s1600-h/SNC00590.jpg">


At night, we called Wee Wu, Jingxu and his cousin for a drink n chill~

I'm Sooooooo in love wif this band!!
They look so charming wif their nice voice! =D

Macallan w soda was NICE!

Pizza! Super thin!

PHOTO time!
I looove my camera!! ^^

20 Jun 2009
A little update for clinic.
My dearest. LOL!
She's going to kill mi

I took tis!
Super CUTE rite!! laughs!

Jie jie bought this.

21 June 09
Cost a bomb! ><

Had a simple supper as bro off work at 10pm! ><

All time favorite!
Bedok's 'you ji mee sua'! =)

Before supper, Weewu asked for out for lunch aft my work.
We din have anything as I meet him quite late. LOL
Slack n slack till he came.
Brought us to Coffee Club salck. =))

Find Jin for a chat as he was working at Taka.
Took a mini instant photo w him and gave it to him!
Happy rite? One n onli in the world! LOL!

Alright, Weewu was SUPER tall, near 180! -.-
Faintz. Talking to him was a difficult task to do! LOL!
23 June 09
Went to do volunteer early in the morning before I meet Maggie n Tian Hong!

Went PS meet Maggie n Tian Hong aft that!
PIZZA for lunch~! =))

Walk n walk.
Ice monster for tea break!
All time favourite too! =)

Around late evening 7pm,
Meet =)!!
He drove a car and yet he lie riding an ah pek bike with big box behide for my shopping bag!
Bloody hell. LOL!
Went Klp intended to watch a movie but to more time slot.
Even Guo Han oso cant help.
We den go geylang, =) wanted to do his documents stuff and head to have 'Tian Ji' porridge!!
Its been a looong time since we went back to this place eat!

This two Vit gals keep staring at me la!
Bitches! ><

Went back Klp to fetch Guo Han off work at 11 plus.
=) brought us drink... ....
Liang teh!! =)

To Guo Han's place nearby makan and tok cork
Home sweet home =))
24 June 09
Out with Ah Boon after my projects in school.
TWO projects settled on one day! Nice one! =)
While waiting for him to fetch, a car stopped infront of mi.
A guy late 20s I think.
He asked: Hello, how may I get to Sengkang from here?
I replied(pointing a direction) : Ermm. I tink from here go down straight.
He: Oh. Izzit very far? Are you going there? Mayb I can fetch you there.
Me: O.O ?? No. Im not going there.
He: Oh. Can I have your no. so tt I lost my way can call u. Or how can I contact you?
Me: -.- There's no need for you to have my no. If u lost ur way, you can ask pple on street.
He continue to ask my email, facebook, whatsoever.
Walked off.
Why guys so dumb?! =.=
Alright, whatever. Anyway, his treat to East Coast had dinner.
Den drove around slack. lol.

Meeting TWINNY to chill , DEARST for Famous Amos cookies! =)
Undate again! =D
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