Random Post
Had a short shopping trip with Mr R
Well well well, he's oways got sth on half way >.<
Anyway, I wish I could grow taller!
Super with Ken n Stev at NYNY.
Most convenience place for mi n Ken, Kovan.
Poor Stev got to travel all the way here =x
Who ask you live at the hill top?! LOL

F.O.C Candy floss. I made 1 myself and my whole hand kana. haha!
Supper at Xing Wang (Hong Kong Cafe)
That day was too hungry too take photos so I jux took this.
We ate breakfast at 11+pm.
We ordered, 2 half boiled eggs, 1 french toast, muaji and not forgetting, my all times favourite, DINOSAUR. LOL.
So cute rite. Small muaji. LOL

Lastly, today in school Xiuling asked me a question,
'U go China, they got eat DOGs anot.'
And this remind mi of a photo that I din post.
In China. They DO eat dogs!!
Roasted PIG in S'pore,
Roasted DOG in China. >.<
Wanted to try dog meat and rabbit leg.
But No1 wanna share wif mi. =(
I'm seriously broke.
I need money,
got to earn/work.
I need results,
Got to study.
Can I jux stop everything for the time being?
When friends goes, 'Wa this test easy! I've got high marks'
while I'm the one who failed and I goes,'difficult. Dead.'
How depressed. Save me.
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