My Second time fainting~ =.=
Around 4am or 5am this morning.
My stomach was aching lyk NO TML in the middle of the night!!
Diarrhoea and suddenly I felt DAMN giddy. Leg no strength and first time,
I saw LOtss Lotssss of 'STARS'!!
Quickly went back to my room with my 'soft legs'
But on the way, I knocked the table, knocked the chair in my room and fell.
My fainted on the floor.
Awhile I woke up realise I'm on the floor.
I climbed up to my bed and rest till the next morning 8am lyk tt.
No1 knows. Whatever.
Fainting it's just a SMALL THING to him
I had only porridge for dinner, dunno what happen.
Guess I've worked too much. >.<
Well, morning I smsed yunru saying I maybe need rest at home.
I'm rotting at home and suddenly some1 knocked the door and I opened.
I tot was my bro and suddenly they shouted 'SURPRISE'
HAHA!! Its Yunru, Enci and Shi Min!!
*so touched* Bought lunch for me!! =))
They are my happy pills! Thanks babes!!
After lunch, cookies baking at Yunru's hse!!
Will update pics quick!! =D
Ling yu homed. Head abit heavy.
I skipped my dinner, dun dare to eat much and hurt my stomach again. =.=
En Ci and Shi Min were complaining my tag box got problem!!
Urghx! I'll get it done ok? lol

Due to working, I missed their Sentosa outing. =(
Took half day off, meet Maggie Lin and Tian Hong for window shopping. =D
Iced Monster again!! Yipeee!! =))
(too much of ice monster's pic. So din take. =p)

Thanks Tian Hong!! He bought me this!!
PUPLE calculator!!

Haha! Not much photos for that day. Due to short hrs.
Dinner at Vivo with Poly mates who went Sentosa.
Den went slacking, drinking, smoking, playing, laughing, shouting, talking, gossiping and more and more!!
LOL!! I loves moment lyk this! =))

Than work and work again.
Took half day off, meet Maggie Lin and Tian Hong for window shopping. =D
Iced Monster again!! Yipeee!! =))
(too much of ice monster's pic. So din take. =p)

Thanks Tian Hong!! He bought me this!!
PUPLE calculator!!

Haha! Not much photos for that day. Due to short hrs.
Dinner at Vivo with Poly mates who went Sentosa.
Den went slacking, drinking, smoking, playing, laughing, shouting, talking, gossiping and more and more!!
LOL!! I loves moment lyk this! =))

Than work and work again.
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