SOTONG! I wanted to type our group's Case study's tingy.
BUT... ... I search up and down. I realise I din bring home. =.=
Lots of tings to type out. Hope I can get it done on time! >.<
Yesterday, I'm craving for 'ji chiong fen' for breakfast.
But that idiot din wake mi up. Got so angry dun bother to reply him.
Haha! Suddenly he pop out at my hse outside.
'Ji chiong fen'! LOL. =D 1pkt for my bro too.
Lolx. Thks luh!
Den headed to work.
Good news from qy. She's working wif mi on new year eve!!
Yea! If not I 1 person sure die. =)
We packed and packed for in case new year.
Last week 'Panbesy' (Diet pills. Due to CNY) this week cream.

We were a little
Nxt week somemore somemore. Prepare for our war!
1 more week to CNY!
Gosh~ I haven got my clothes!
Simply no mood can~ =.=
Went China town wif mummy. But still dun have the mood.
Aww. Wat to do?! Mus go at night wif friends ba. =)
Today as usual, I'm working.
Actually jie jie meet mi go hg mall walk walk.
But morning she sms mi she not meeting. >.<
She's forever lyk this. Used to it.
So I still, wasted my another half a day.
Had 'mang jiang kwey' for breakfast, a cup of chocolate milk for lunch.
Den going work soooon~
Tml... That's e onli off day i took for nxt week.
If no date, I might go work instead. LOL.
I hope they quickly hire pple la! >.<
Love somebody, yes I do. =)
Quarrelz made us grow.
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