Couldn't sleep. Lights off, everyone is sleeping~
Feeling moody, Don't intent to go school tomorrow. >.< Aww.
Morning its either i go work or go out ba. Hmmm.
Went bugis hunt for new year clothes, but nth caught my eyes. =.=
Sian1/2. Eh eh. 'Sth' happened so actually decided to meet ben to Chinatown as ytd he asked mi.
No mood la. So sorry.
Auntie smsed mi in e aftnoon asking n ASKING mi to WORK.
But I insist I DUN WAN.
End up? I went to WORK instead. Phew~ (I hate to b at home!)
When I stepped in clinc,
Auntie: Aaa!! Ting! Ni you lai ar!! =DD
ME: ??? Yeah~ Y so happy?
Nu ren: Auntie still tink wat she going to have for dinner. Actually she wants go home cook.
Auntie: Yalor yalor. I can go back cook my ai xin bee hoon le. =D
ME: . . . Orh. Haha.
I was lyk, Hmmm. At least I made some1 happy today! =D
Work n work. Busy lyk shit!
Benson bought Mac for mi and nu ren for dinner wif kengling they all.
Thks thks! LOL. End up we drag till 9pm den start eating! Pathetic~
Did ALL the housekeeping all BY MYSELF today!
Woo~ Y am i tiring myself today lei? Blame him??!! O.O
LOL.. Enuff la. Dun wish to tok abt it. Zzz
Wed Quiyi lyk going to do her project. =.=
Date might b cancle. Nth to do from 12-6 can~ >.<
I realise I'm facing a financial pro.
IF i could go poly, I'm paying MYSELF.
Mum ask my to buy an insurance for MYSELF. Saying if suddenly sth HAPPEN, can take alot monry =.= U wun noe wat will happen nxt don't u? Hmm.
Urghx~! Earn give her le deduct all these expenses, hp bill.. sch stuffs.. etc..
Seriously, I dun need to live le luhs!
I'm in need of money~!! Woohoo~
Somehow I wish I'm RICH and spent lyk nobocy business! Wahaha! B)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Haha. I'm bored. Zzzz
Cant get to sleep oso. =.=
So checked email, frienster, blog, online shopping! LOL
Cant get to sleep oso. =.=
So checked email, frienster, blog, online shopping! LOL
28 things most girls dont know
So gals, do u noe?
Guys hate sluts even though
have sex with them!
(oh're not "popular" if
you've slept with more than 6're a HOE)
--Guys may be flirting around all day
but before they go to sleep, they
always think about the girl they truly
care about.
--Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
--Guys will do anything just to get
you to notice him
--Guys hate it when you talk about
your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest.
--Boyfriends need to be reassured
often that they're still loved.
--Don't talk about your guy friends to
your boyfriend.
--Guys get jealous easily.
--Guys are more emotional than they'd
like people to think.
--Giving a guy a hanging message
like "You know
what?!..uh...nevermind.." would make
him jump to a conclusion that is far
from what you are thinking. And he'll
assume he did something wrong and
he'll obsess about it trying to figure
it out.
--Guys are good flatterers when
courting but they usually stammer when
they talk to a girl they really like.
--A usual act that proves that the guy
likes you is when he teases you.
--Guys love you more than you love
them if they are serious in your
--Guys think WAY too much. One small
thing a girl does, even if she doesn't
notice it can make the guy think about
it for hours, trying to figure out
what it meant.
--Guys seek for advice from girls not
other guys. Because most guys think
alike, so if one guy's confused, then
we're all confused.
--When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me."
(Isn't tis for girls?)
--If a guy starts to talk seriously,
listen to him. It doesn't happen that
often, so when it does, you know
something's up.
--If your best guy friend seems to
avoid you or is never around when
you're with your boyfriend, he's
probably jealous and likes you.
--When a guy tells you that you are
beautiful, don't say you aren't. It
makes them want to stop telling you
because they don't want you to
disagree with them.
--When a guy looks at you for longer
than a second, he's definitely
thinking something.
--Guys don't like girls who punch
harder than they do.
--A guy has more problems than you can
see with your naked eyes.
--Don't be a snob. Guys can be
intimidated and give up easily.
--Guys talk about girls more than
girls talk about guys.
--Guys hate rejection, but they hate
being led on even more.
--If you are going to reject a guy,
just do it. Don't say they are like a
brother or just good friends, it just
hurts even more. Tell them that you
aren't interested in a relationship
and they will respect you.
--Guys really think that girls are
strange and have unpredictable
decisions and are MAD confusing but
somehow are drawn even more to them.
--When a guy sacrifices his sleep and
health just to be with you, he really
likes you and wants to be with you as
much as possible.
Whats the conclusion? I don't find it very true. But I'm totally agree with 'guys R flirt!' =p
So gals, do u noe?
Guys hate sluts even though
have sex with them!
(oh're not "popular" if
you've slept with more than 6're a HOE)
--Guys may be flirting around all day
but before they go to sleep, they
always think about the girl they truly
care about.
--Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
--Guys will do anything just to get
you to notice him
--Guys hate it when you talk about
your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest.
--Boyfriends need to be reassured
often that they're still loved.
--Don't talk about your guy friends to
your boyfriend.
--Guys get jealous easily.
--Guys are more emotional than they'd
like people to think.
--Giving a guy a hanging message
like "You know
what?!..uh...nevermind.." would make
him jump to a conclusion that is far
from what you are thinking. And he'll
assume he did something wrong and
he'll obsess about it trying to figure
it out.
--Guys are good flatterers when
courting but they usually stammer when
they talk to a girl they really like.
--A usual act that proves that the guy
likes you is when he teases you.
--Guys love you more than you love
them if they are serious in your
--Guys think WAY too much. One small
thing a girl does, even if she doesn't
notice it can make the guy think about
it for hours, trying to figure out
what it meant.
--Guys seek for advice from girls not
other guys. Because most guys think
alike, so if one guy's confused, then
we're all confused.
--When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me."
(Isn't tis for girls?)
--If a guy starts to talk seriously,
listen to him. It doesn't happen that
often, so when it does, you know
something's up.
--If your best guy friend seems to
avoid you or is never around when
you're with your boyfriend, he's
probably jealous and likes you.
--When a guy tells you that you are
beautiful, don't say you aren't. It
makes them want to stop telling you
because they don't want you to
disagree with them.
--When a guy looks at you for longer
than a second, he's definitely
thinking something.
--Guys don't like girls who punch
harder than they do.
--A guy has more problems than you can
see with your naked eyes.
--Don't be a snob. Guys can be
intimidated and give up easily.
--Guys talk about girls more than
girls talk about guys.
--Guys hate rejection, but they hate
being led on even more.
--If you are going to reject a guy,
just do it. Don't say they are like a
brother or just good friends, it just
hurts even more. Tell them that you
aren't interested in a relationship
and they will respect you.
--Guys really think that girls are
strange and have unpredictable
decisions and are MAD confusing but
somehow are drawn even more to them.
--When a guy sacrifices his sleep and
health just to be with you, he really
likes you and wants to be with you as
much as possible.
Whats the conclusion? I don't find it very true. But I'm totally agree with 'guys R flirt!' =p
*Photos uploaded* (click to view larger =))
SOTONG! I wanted to type our group's Case study's tingy.
BUT... ... I search up and down. I realise I din bring home. =.=
Lots of tings to type out. Hope I can get it done on time! >.<
Yesterday, I'm craving for 'ji chiong fen' for breakfast.
But that idiot din wake mi up. Got so angry dun bother to reply him.
Haha! Suddenly he pop out at my hse outside.
'Ji chiong fen'! LOL. =D 1pkt for my bro too.
Lolx. Thks luh!
Den headed to work.
Good news from qy. She's working wif mi on new year eve!!
Yea! If not I 1 person sure die. =)
We packed and packed for in case new year.
Last week 'Panbesy' (Diet pills. Due to CNY) this week cream.

We were a littlebit kaisu. But 'IN CASE' ma. LOL
Nxt week somemore somemore. Prepare for our war!
1 more week to CNY!
Gosh~ I haven got my clothes!
Simply no mood can~ =.=
Went China town wif mummy. But still dun have the mood.
Aww. Wat to do?! Mus go at night wif friends ba. =)
Today as usual, I'm working.
Actually jie jie meet mi go hg mall walk walk.
But morning she sms mi she not meeting. >.<
She's forever lyk this. Used to it.
So I still, wasted my another half a day.
Had 'mang jiang kwey' for breakfast, a cup of chocolate milk for lunch.
Den going work soooon~
Tml... That's e onli off day i took for nxt week.
If no date, I might go work instead. LOL.
I hope they quickly hire pple la! >.<
Love somebody, yes I do. =)
Quarrelz made us grow.
SOTONG! I wanted to type our group's Case study's tingy.
BUT... ... I search up and down. I realise I din bring home. =.=
Lots of tings to type out. Hope I can get it done on time! >.<
Yesterday, I'm craving for 'ji chiong fen' for breakfast.
But that idiot din wake mi up. Got so angry dun bother to reply him.
Haha! Suddenly he pop out at my hse outside.
'Ji chiong fen'! LOL. =D 1pkt for my bro too.
Lolx. Thks luh!
Den headed to work.
Good news from qy. She's working wif mi on new year eve!!
Yea! If not I 1 person sure die. =)
We packed and packed for in case new year.
Last week 'Panbesy' (Diet pills. Due to CNY) this week cream.

We were a little
Nxt week somemore somemore. Prepare for our war!
1 more week to CNY!
Gosh~ I haven got my clothes!
Simply no mood can~ =.=
Went China town wif mummy. But still dun have the mood.
Aww. Wat to do?! Mus go at night wif friends ba. =)
Today as usual, I'm working.
Actually jie jie meet mi go hg mall walk walk.
But morning she sms mi she not meeting. >.<
She's forever lyk this. Used to it.
So I still, wasted my another half a day.
Had 'mang jiang kwey' for breakfast, a cup of chocolate milk for lunch.
Den going work soooon~
Tml... That's e onli off day i took for nxt week.
If no date, I might go work instead. LOL.
I hope they quickly hire pple la! >.<
Love somebody, yes I do. =)
Quarrelz made us grow.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Wondering y am I blogging at this hr?!
I woke up at 6am, went out at 7am.
Luckily haven reach bus stop I realise school starts at 9am! -.-'''|
I was lyk, 'stupid BLUR cock' can!!
Of cos, I went back home. Mum says I siao! (crazy) =.=
Actually can sleep longer! >.< Urghx~!
I woke up at 6am, went out at 7am.
Luckily haven reach bus stop I realise school starts at 9am! -.-'''|
I was lyk, 'stupid BLUR cock' can!!
Of cos, I went back home. Mum says I siao! (crazy) =.=
Actually can sleep longer! >.< Urghx~!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
认识一个人, 需要机缘。 了解一个人, 需要智慧。 了解了以后, 能和他相处, 则
Aching all over my body!
Acc CA in the morning.
NAFA aftnoon.
Work at evening.
Tts all i can say for today.
LOL. hoho. I'm so surprise to see my 2.4km run position 24th out of 100++ students!
=D I walk n run as well. I guess my walking faster ba. Haha.
All got either gold or silver results =) EXCEPT sbj. >.< style="font-style: italic;">score silver la!
Den can dun need attend sw lesson anymore! =D
I've got myself a MC for tml while i went to work today.
Bored la! Talk and games wif China students? O.O Haha..
Tml mus rest well and shop well.. Evening working again =.=
Lalala. Mrs Lee find my talk abt my CA today.
She said I careless but still not bad =)
I hope twinny did well too!
Now Ican simply can throw sch tings aside and get ready for cny.
Though Qiuyi and I totally dun have e cny mood tis yr. Dunno y? o.O
I've got so much so much tings to do!
I tink.. Tts all ba.. LOL..
Idiot! Bring mi out whenI'm free la!
Im so fking bored can~! =.=
Love goes round and round~ =D
Aching all over my body!
Acc CA in the morning.
NAFA aftnoon.
Work at evening.
Tts all i can say for today.
LOL. hoho. I'm so surprise to see my 2.4km run position 24th out of 100++ students!
=D I walk n run as well. I guess my walking faster ba. Haha.
All got either gold or silver results =) EXCEPT sbj. >.< style="font-style: italic;">score silver la!
Den can dun need attend sw lesson anymore! =D
I've got myself a MC for tml while i went to work today.
Bored la! Talk and games wif China students? O.O Haha..
Tml mus rest well and shop well.. Evening working again =.=
Lalala. Mrs Lee find my talk abt my CA today.
She said I careless but still not bad =)
I hope twinny did well too!
Now I
Though Qiuyi and I totally dun have e cny mood tis yr. Dunno y? o.O
I've got so much so much tings to do!
- Get my cny clothes! (Tts includes daddy and mummy ones =))
- Get my phone service (Been dragging for MTHS!)
- Go CHINATOWN! (I'll go every single year! New yr ma. LOL)
- Evebrown threading (Hopefully can go sat mrg)
- Go wild wild wet wif all my darrrlings!! Haha.
I tink.. Tts all ba.. LOL..
Idiot! Bring mi out when
Im so fking bored can~! =.=
Love goes round and round~ =D
Monday, January 21, 2008
在吃饭的时候, 记得: 细嚼慢咽。
在恋爱的时候, 记得: 用心体会。
Urghx! Cut my nose off!
Out of the sudden, I've got baddd flu and cough~ =.=
Ytd actually we went IMH to visit a fren.
But she's back to home le =)
Think she's back to normal.
Headed to Swensens for lunch and chit chat there vr long. LOL.

Aft so long concersation,
She: Ni fang de xia meh?
Me: . . . Fang bu xia yew ze me yang ne? Shi ni de jiu shi ni de. ye bu yong xia ze me duo. =)
She: sth are hard to forget.
Yea. I shared some memories. Haha. Esp the day I fainted at hg mall.
Gal, if there's a chance of getting new rls, y not give it a try =)
Next one would be a better ones! =D Hahaha.
Jux that memories is holding u back. U cant get rid, but u can store it and stop tinking abt it.

Eh eh.. Aiya. Watever la. All past le.
Look forward la.
My small bro! Sunday before he went to 'work', bought breakfast for his gf family. LOL
Sometimes i was thinking, y my bf not my bro jiu suan le. jkjk =p
Okok, went hse painting aft lunch! LOL
Making my whole muscles aching today. Haha.
But still enjoyed myself and sorry to mess up the place =p
Mic n huiling come my hse 'study'.
Haha.. I cant study at all la!
They went running aft tt and of cos i'm not joining them la. Haha.
I dun ran. But Wed NAFA test. =.=
Slack all the way at home cos sick...
No mood study too.
24hrs phone service for twinny due to acc. LOL
Tml gonna study not at my hse.
But dunno where la LOL.
I dont expect much anymore.
Love me for who I am.
在恋爱的时候, 记得: 用心体会。
Urghx! Cut my nose off!
Out of the sudden, I've got baddd flu and cough~ =.=
Ytd actually we went IMH to visit a fren.
But she's back to home le =)
Think she's back to normal.
Headed to Swensens for lunch and chit chat there vr long. LOL.

Aft so long concersation,
She: Ni fang de xia meh?
Me: . . . Fang bu xia yew ze me yang ne? Shi ni de jiu shi ni de. ye bu yong xia ze me duo. =)
She: sth are hard to forget.
Yea. I shared some memories. Haha. Esp the day I fainted at hg mall.
Gal, if there's a chance of getting new rls, y not give it a try =)
Next one would be a better ones! =D Hahaha.
Jux that memories is holding u back. U cant get rid, but u can store it and stop tinking abt it.

Eh eh.. Aiya. Watever la. All past le.
Look forward la.
My small bro! Sunday before he went to 'work', bought breakfast for his gf family. LOL
Sometimes i was thinking, y my bf not my bro jiu suan le. jkjk =p
Okok, went hse painting aft lunch! LOL
Making my whole muscles aching today. Haha.
But still enjoyed myself and sorry to mess up the place =p
Mic n huiling come my hse 'study'.
Haha.. I cant study at all la!
They went running aft tt and of cos i'm not joining them la. Haha.
I dun ran. But Wed NAFA test. =.=
Slack all the way at home cos sick...
No mood study too.
24hrs phone service for twinny due to acc. LOL
Tml gonna study not at my hse.
But dunno where la LOL.
I dont expect much anymore.
Love me for who I am.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
What Si Ting Means |
You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life. You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home. You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life. You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs. |
Haha.. Its rather true.
- You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
- You value your time alone.
- Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.
and... many more... =)
Haha.. Waiting for that idiot to online!
When I'm free, mum dun ask mi out.
Tml I'm going out, she date mi =.=
- You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
- You value your time alone.
- Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.
and... many more... =)
Haha.. Waiting for that idiot to online!
When I'm free, mum dun ask mi out.
Tml I'm going out, she date mi =.=
You Are Pretty Happy |
You generally have a happy, fulfilling life. But things could be a little better, and deep down, you know it. Maybe you need more supportive friends or a more challenging career. Something is preventing you from being totally happy. You just need to figure out what it is! |
Second test done. LOL.
I'm bored! Dad drunk!
Anyhow say words and tap mi =.=
Urghx~ Sis come back snatch phone! >.<
Tml study late at 9am! I can sleeeep longer. =)
Im Fcuking Angry!!
>.< I'm so happy when I got home saw NO1 at home!
Awhile later, my dad come back =.=
Asking this and that making mi soooo urghx!
LOL. So I decided to take a nap before my work.
While taking nap, bro come back, mum come back.
All outside kpkb so noisy can!!
Talk so loudly! TV on so loud too! >.<
If its my bro taking nap, mum will kp us to KEEP QUIET instead! =.=
Come into my room, nagging again of my table.
need table to study in my room, so i took the majong table.
She said i anyhow dump tings, making a mess. =.=
Ihate tis family!
Nevertheless, its still myfamily! =.=
Didn't join them for NP open house.
Tink I'll choose MYP instead. =.=
Its FRIDAY tml!
Quick quick come back!
I rather go ur place luh! =p
Humans r selfish!
>.< I'm so happy when I got home saw NO1 at home!
Awhile later, my dad come back =.=
Asking this and that making mi soooo urghx!
LOL. So I decided to take a nap before my work.
While taking nap, bro come back, mum come back.
All outside kpkb so noisy can!!
Talk so loudly! TV on so loud too! >.<
If its my bro taking nap, mum will kp us to KEEP QUIET instead! =.=
Come into my room, nagging again of my table.
need table to study in my room, so i took the majong table.
She said i anyhow dump tings, making a mess. =.=
Nevertheless, its still my
Didn't join them for NP open house.
Tink I'll choose MYP instead. =.=
Its FRIDAY tml!
Quick quick come back!
I rather go ur place luh! =p
Monday, January 14, 2008
HAHA.. Before I enter into my dreamland, I saw something interesting. =)
Getting Back Together
A breakup offers people time to reflect on the dynamics of a relationship - what went wrong and why, as well as what went right.Let there be love
Ask yourself: Is there still love between you and your ex?
If you are certain that you still love your ex and that he or she still loves you, then you have part of what it takes to reestablish a successful relationship.
If you aren't sure whether or not you still love one another, then you probably need to take more time until you are certain about what you feel and want.
One or both parties already gave up on the relationship once, so what makes you think you can make it work this time around? This is the kind of question doubt will make you ask.
Face issues
One of the most important factors in getting back together with your ex is a willingness to face the issues honestly - together and individually. You know, the ones that led you to breakup in the first place.
You know, the ones that led you to breakup in the first place.
Since it's almost impossible to change the other person, a good place to start is with you.
Ask yourself how you can take responsibility for your part in the breakup.
Taking the responsibility for your part in the problems is part of the healing.
Reestablishing a strong foundation for the relationship comes with making a commitment to work on these problems one at a time.
This will take time, and results will be slow to come, so remain consistent and persistent.
When negotiating what needs to change in a relationship, do your best to avoid criticism and blame.
LOL. Isn't it quite meaningful? LOL. XD
Lalala... ...
I'm bored to death here.
But I lyk the feeling as I'm ALONE at home, doing WATEVER I lyk! =D
Ytd morning wwent 'rounding' with Ronnie, Jason, Benson and Pong.
Ronnie drive and we went Beach Road.
Accompany them to get their army stuffs then for lunch,
I headed home 1st, cos i'm working.
He meet me aft my work.
Had a looong chat. Hahas!
He's out of S'pore for 5days.
Gonna me miss lyk crazy! LAUGHS! =p
Alright, as for today, Twinny and I was lyk writing 4D.
We went to sch copy our accounts homework lyk MAD!
Accounts! Imagine there are TWO homeworks?!
All nth but numbers! =.=
Phew~ Blur me left my keys at clinc so no locker for us today.
So tml we shall continue out copying of today's audit. Hahas!
Sorry la gal! =p
While teacher was toking abt Lee Kuan Yew,
Xiuling get so excited abt it! Hahas.
Gal ar, my position is higher k! Laughs! xD
Qiuyi intro mi to watch these videos! Enjoy~ Really interesting =))
I'm bored to death here.
But I lyk the feeling as I'm ALONE at home, doing WATEVER I lyk! =D
Ytd morning wwent 'rounding' with Ronnie, Jason, Benson and Pong.
Ronnie drive and we went Beach Road.
Accompany them to get their army stuffs then for lunch,
I headed home 1st, cos i'm working.
He meet me aft my work.
Had a looong chat. Hahas!
He's out of S'pore for 5days.
Gonna me miss lyk crazy! LAUGHS! =p
Alright, as for today, Twinny and I was lyk writing 4D.
We went to sch copy our accounts homework lyk MAD!
Accounts! Imagine there are TWO homeworks?!
All nth but numbers! =.=
Phew~ Blur me left my keys at clinc so no locker for us today.
So tml we shall continue out copying of today's audit. Hahas!
Sorry la gal! =p
While teacher was toking abt Lee Kuan Yew,
Xiuling get so excited abt it! Hahas.
Gal ar, my position is higher k! Laughs! xD
Qiuyi intro mi to watch these videos! Enjoy~ Really interesting =))
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Got back home from supper with yh.
Others all bz with projects and girlfriend. =.=
Hahas. I've been talking non-stop at work till i got home. LOL
At work we were all chatting about LIFE.
I find myself useless as
I don't know how to manage my time well.
I don't know how to cope with my studies,
I don't know how to communicate with my family,
I don't know how to plan my time spent with my friends, and of cos boyfriend(if i've got 1).
I don't know how to handle things well.
I know, i know how stubborn I am.
But I simply cant change it! >.<
Qiuyi was feeling extremely stressed up due to sch reopen on Mon.
I know how she's feeling. Jia you la gal!
U are smart! =)
Ate ALOT today too.
Nu ren took lots of food over from her father's funeral.
Left chicken wings for dinner. Den to supper! =D
Yihao and my conversation is all abt work. HAHA.
Cos he's lyk me, working non-stop!
He knows what I'm thinking by observing mi -.-
Funny eh~ But ture enuff, he know everything without me telling. O.O
Thks sister! Meet out soooon again! =)
Horoscope for Taurus!
You're likely to have a much greater appreciation of the needs of the people around you right now. And you should be very willing to compromise in order to find agreeable solutions for everyone. Any romantic opportunities that arise today will probably be based on a solid foundation of friendship.
Others all bz with projects and girlfriend. =.=
Hahas. I've been talking non-stop at work till i got home. LOL
At work we were all chatting about LIFE.
I find myself useless as
I don't know how to manage my time well.
I don't know how to cope with my studies,
I don't know how to communicate with my family,
I don't know how to plan my time spent with my friends, and of cos boyfriend(if i've got 1).
I don't know how to handle things well.
I know, i know how stubborn I am.
But I simply cant change it! >.<
Qiuyi was feeling extremely stressed up due to sch reopen on Mon.
I know how she's feeling. Jia you la gal!
U are smart! =)
Ate ALOT today too.
Nu ren took lots of food over from her father's funeral.
Left chicken wings for dinner. Den to supper! =D
Yihao and my conversation is all abt work. HAHA.
Cos he's lyk me, working non-stop!
He knows what I'm thinking by observing mi -.-
Funny eh~ But ture enuff, he know everything without me telling. O.O
Thks sister! Meet out soooon again! =)
Horoscope for Taurus!
You're likely to have a much greater appreciation of the needs of the people around you right now. And you should be very willing to compromise in order to find agreeable solutions for everyone. Any romantic opportunities that arise today will probably be based on a solid foundation of friendship.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Funny babe's clip! Hahaha! Saw it in you tube. LOL.
Ytesterday went NYP open house with 8 of my 'family'. LOL
After we heard all the requirements, all of us was lyk losing confident in ourselves.
5-10% of whole ITE students could get in =.=
Out of so many campus! *faint*
I'm telling my mum that if i couldn't get into poly, I wanna study private.
She ask mi to work and study part time.
Lyk that I will spent longer time to complete.
She jux dun understand. Asking me to pay for myself. =.=
Think even got in poly, I oso be paying for myself.
If got into poly, I might not working le. So stress can~!
Got to work and work now. Earn for my own study! >.<
I'll be the happiest if money could drop down from the sky. LOL.
Anyway, went out with Elaine and her bf's frens.
One of they drive car. But totally'lu chi' HAHA. =x
Saw a simple cotton dress i lyk. But last piece. =(
CNY is coming! Mus quickly get my stuff! =)
Got to prepare for work now =.=
I hate working. But i simply cantstop working!
She's making my lifemiserable!
Ah ma use to say whenever i saw her, 'find a rich man marry! Don't need study!'
Hohohoo.. Laughs!
Ytesterday went NYP open house with 8 of my 'family'. LOL
After we heard all the requirements, all of us was lyk losing confident in ourselves.
5-10% of whole ITE students could get in =.=
Out of so many campus! *faint*
I'm telling my mum that if i couldn't get into poly, I wanna study private.
She ask mi to work and study part time.
Lyk that I will spent longer time to complete.
She jux dun understand. Asking me to pay for myself. =.=
Think even got in poly, I oso be paying for myself.
If got into poly, I might not working le. So stress can~!
Got to work and work now. Earn for my own study! >.<
I'll be the happiest if money could drop down from the sky. LOL.
Anyway, went out with Elaine and her bf's frens.
One of they drive car. But totally
Saw a simple cotton dress i lyk. But last piece. =(
CNY is coming! Mus quickly get my stuff! =)
Got to prepare for work now =.=
I hate working. But i simply cant
She's making my life
Ah ma use to say whenever i saw her, 'find a rich man marry! Don't need study!'
Hohohoo.. Laughs!
Photos shown below are places they brought me when I'm feeling STRESS!!
(During common test period)
(During common test period)
Accompany Ken to search for his hotel stay.
His deco. Cool right?!! =D

K session. lalala~lol!

HANS Bakery. =D


Coffee Bean.

J.CO and the cheezzzzzze fries (not from JCO)!! Damn nice!

One of my favourite!!

Without fail, Ken due to BORED,
called me in the morning den bring mi out for lunch =)

Slack slack....

Hahas! Many more! XD
Geylang's Dim Sum!!

A night stay at Steven's place.
Gombak is a DAMN FAR P

Cute? LOL!

Friday, January 11, 2008
Jux got back home from nu ren's father's furneral.
Feel kinda sad for her.
Her beloved father who always so dote and take good care of them.
Esp her.
Hmmm.. I'm feeling.. Real sad for her luhs!
But I'm sure her dad rest peacefully as all his 6 children are SO filial. X)
Sudden dead is like so common now adays.
Few days ago, a baby as young as 1yr old came in with fits!
Another boii came in with his hand BROKEN!
Due to basketball. I tink its the same as weiqiang and my dad.
Urghx~! Pple! Take care la!
For those who ride and drive, even cycle, careful careful!
DUN SPEED can!! >.<
Haix haix haix!
I'm sigh-ing all the way. =(
Problematic body is giving me a big head!
Human leave 1 day. When's my turn, I have no idea.
But i hope i can live up to 70! That's good enuff for mi! =)
Treasure ur life,
treasure ur love ones.
Don't live with regrets in life. =)
Fk! Mum was nagging~AGAIN?!
I know dad wasn't at home and she feel kinda bored.
No1 at home too. I'm the onli one.
I'm being a good gal when my dad wasn't ard.
Not in the mood~
She nags:
:my sis spenting money lyk nobody business (again) She loves to give pple treatS and yet complaining she is broke =.=
:bro from aftnoon till now not back yet
:dad reach malaysia din call back
I missed the midnight outing with yh n boon today.
Cos of funeral and moody~
Shall meet them tml for breakfast b4 i go work =)
Im not evil... juz mischievious
Im not kind...but friendly
im not very stong...juz strong enuff
I am juz me, myself (:
I'm just someone...
who wants to c the smile on ur face~~~ ^^
Since you have gave me up, but
I'll remember you.
Jux got back home from nu ren's father's furneral.
Feel kinda sad for her.
Her beloved father who always so dote and take good care of them.
Esp her.
Hmmm.. I'm feeling.. Real sad for her luhs!
But I'm sure her dad rest peacefully as all his 6 children are SO filial. X)
Sudden dead is like so common now adays.
Few days ago, a baby as young as 1yr old came in with fits!
Another boii came in with his hand BROKEN!
Due to basketball. I tink its the same as weiqiang and my dad.
Urghx~! Pple! Take care la!
For those who ride and drive, even cycle, careful careful!
DUN SPEED can!! >.<
Haix haix haix!
I'm sigh-ing all the way. =(
Problematic body is giving me a big head!
Human leave 1 day. When's my turn, I have no idea.
But i hope i can live up to 70! That's good enuff for mi! =)
Treasure ur life,
treasure ur love ones.
Don't live with regrets in life. =)
Fk! Mum was nagging~AGAIN?!
I know dad wasn't at home and she feel kinda bored.
No1 at home too. I'm the onli one.
I'm being a good gal when my dad wasn't ard.
Not in the mood~
She nags:
:my sis spenting money lyk nobody business (again) She loves to give pple treatS and yet complaining she is broke =.=
:bro from aftnoon till now not back yet
:dad reach malaysia din call back
I missed the midnight outing with yh n boon today.
Cos of funeral and moody~
Shall meet them tml for breakfast b4 i go work =)
Im not evil... juz mischievious
Im not kind...but friendly
im not very stong...juz strong enuff
I am juz me, myself (:
I'm just someone...
who wants to c the smile on ur face~~~ ^^
Since you have gave me up, but
I'll remember you.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I'm having back aching, FLU n headache. =.=
Nose are dropping out! LOL.
Flu like nobody's business! Urghx! >.<
Din sleep well.. That's why I'm sick~ =.=
Nu ren's father passed away in the midnight.
So she din get to work this morning.
I know I've been attending funerals.
But its doesn't means I'm 'SUAY' (unlucky) can?! =.=
Went out with Mic and Dor today aft school, den to~ work.
We eat, play and take 'abit' photoSS. Laughs! =D


"AGAIN work?"
Every1 was asking me the same question!
"U feed me ah?" or "Save for a brighter future"
Is what i replied only la! LOL.
Now, nth to me but work of cos. *Dotx*
But I'm not as crazy as my dear 'sister', yihao.
He din sleep for the pass 21hrs man. *faintx*
Papa is going to Kukup wif his frens for 3days!
Lesssss nags! HAHAs!

What's the feeling like when the needle poke into the vein?
Eww. I scare la!
Monday, January 07, 2008
12.20pm and I've reached home.
Fast eh? Teacher let us off as early as 11.30am =)
Actually i'm suppose to go work straight aft sch and reach at 1pm.
Now, I've time to do my tings.
Received her sms saying actually nu ren today got work still ask mi go down.
I remembered CLEARLY yesterday evening auntie called mi saying nu ren taking OFF.
WTF! Using this method to bluff mi down.
Which means I've got a quarrel for nth in the midnight.
Whatever. Everything seems to have passsssed!
Now, I'll go down whatever time I like!
Actually I'm working today de lor.
Joey cant work that's y.
Twinny and I was like a goldfish with a swollen eyes.
Both of us din get to sleep well.
School for today were alright luh.
Xiuling and I joke and joke during smart ledger.
This lesson is aways our laughter time. LOL.
Smile also pass 1 day,
Cry also pass 1 day,
Why not be a happy person that smile and laugh? =)
We used to be more than a friend.
But now, not any more.
Take care, my dear friend!
Fast eh? Teacher let us off as early as 11.30am =)
Actually i'm suppose to go work straight aft sch and reach at 1pm.
Now, I've time to do my tings.
Received her sms saying actually nu ren today got work still ask mi go down.
I remembered CLEARLY yesterday evening auntie called mi saying nu ren taking OFF.
WTF! Using this method to bluff mi down.
Which means I've got a quarrel for nth in the midnight.
Whatever. Everything seems to have passsssed!
Now, I'll go down whatever time I like!
Actually I'm working today de lor.
Joey cant work that's y.
Twinny and I was like a goldfish with a swollen eyes.
Both of us din get to sleep well.
School for today were alright luh.
Xiuling and I joke and joke during smart ledger.
This lesson is aways our laughter time. LOL.
Smile also pass 1 day,
Cry also pass 1 day,
Why not be a happy person that smile and laugh? =)
We used to be more than a friend.
But now, not any more.
Take care, my dear friend!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
A bit stupid la but BUT i really cant close my eyes and tink TML SCH!
EXAM n EXAMSSSS cuming!!
FINAL exams!
Homeworks! NOT i dun wan do.
Is i simply DUNNO how to do!
I hate tis feeling.
I dun wan study!
I dun wan work!
I WAN to relax myself can?!
Bloody sch SUCKS!
Some1 kill mi pls!
A bit stupid la but BUT i really cant close my eyes and tink TML SCH!
EXAM n EXAMSSSS cuming!!
FINAL exams!
Homeworks! NOT i dun wan do.
Is i simply DUNNO how to do!
I hate tis feeling.
I dun wan study!
I dun wan work!
I WAN to relax myself can?!
Bloody sch SUCKS!
Some1 kill mi pls!
Friday, January 04, 2008
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome 2008!
WOoooohoooo! Busy busy! =.=
Went for count down for new year. Yeah yeah~ I watched fireworks! =)
Wed i slept at 4am!
Haha. Cant sleep at ALL!
Thur and Fri was actually off days for mi.
But received Faith's call on Wed saying Thani wan mi, hui lian n her to work for the supplier.
Yesh~ We agreed =) We got paid too!
Mic n hui ling were called down last min.
I could say mi n faith were both lucky enuff to help out at e PE attire.
The funny uncle and a guy. 4 of us, slack n SLACK.
Meals are ALL provided by the uncle! LOL.
Seriously, i hate the uniform's auntieSSSS.
Fk la they. Urghx~!
Thurs aft 'working', we headed down to Novena had dinner! Yummy~!!
While waiting~ WE PLAY!
LOL.. Sch gonna reopen sooon. Got to relax eh?! Heee.
Alright, tis is taken by faith. While we featuring out, How to use chopsticks. LOL.

Today, uncle 'long bang' us to bishan's interchange cos raining!
Faith took 55 n i n e guy took 53.. Reached home n rest. LOL.
Simply hate it when my sis is at home la!
She ACT as if she's the QUEEN.
TALK LOUDLY, SCOLD pple for NTH, BANG tis n tt.
Noisy can~!!!
Gosh~! When will she be behaving better??!!! *faint*
Tml work, Sun, plan again ba. Cos Mon sch reopen. =.=
Her style: work, study, smoke. play less.
His style: club, play, drink n smoke.
Click? O.O Not at all la pls!
Action speaks louder den words.
Somehow being single is best of the best! LOL
Ewww. Lucky luck mi! =D
Pics wif my dearest! =D

HAHA! Funnies pic! took tis in sch.

Yrssss of frenship! xD
WOoooohoooo! Busy busy! =.=
Went for count down for new year. Yeah yeah~ I watched fireworks! =)
Throw away the BAD, cherish the GOOD =D
Wed i slept at 4am!
Haha. Cant sleep at ALL!
Thur and Fri was actually off days for mi.
But received Faith's call on Wed saying Thani wan mi, hui lian n her to work for the supplier.
Yesh~ We agreed =) We got paid too!
Mic n hui ling were called down last min.
I could say mi n faith were both lucky enuff to help out at e PE attire.
The funny uncle and a guy. 4 of us, slack n SLACK.
Meals are ALL provided by the uncle! LOL.
Seriously, i hate the uniform's auntieSSSS.
Fk la they. Urghx~!
Thurs aft 'working', we headed down to Novena had dinner! Yummy~!!
While waiting~ WE PLAY!
LOL.. Sch gonna reopen sooon. Got to relax eh?! Heee.
Alright, tis is taken by faith. While we featuring out, How to use chopsticks. LOL.

Today, uncle 'long bang' us to bishan's interchange cos raining!
Faith took 55 n i n e guy took 53.. Reached home n rest. LOL.
Simply hate it when my sis is at home la!
She ACT as if she's the QUEEN.
TALK LOUDLY, SCOLD pple for NTH, BANG tis n tt.
Noisy can~!!!
Gosh~! When will she be behaving better??!!! *faint*
Tml work, Sun, plan again ba. Cos Mon sch reopen. =.=
Her style: work, study, smoke. play less.
His style: club, play, drink n smoke.
Click? O.O Not at all la pls!
Action speaks louder den words.
Somehow being single is best of the best! LOL
Ewww. Lucky luck mi! =D
Pics wif my dearest! =D

HAHA! Funnies pic! took tis in sch.

Yrssss of frenship! xD

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