I cant type anyting.
Luckily in end still ok =)
Tis few days couldn't update.
Bz wif stuffs n pro! >.<
Nth much abt work.
Still hving lots of laughter n funny stuff whenever mi working wif auntie n qy =D
But nxt week we onli got Mon work tgt nia =(
Well, pics in clinc!
WARNING: It will b gross!
LOL.. Its a meat from an uncle's neck!
Doc threw out aft his surgery. Yucks!

Closer look >.<

Alright FREN, everyting was settled?
Hope everyting goes smoothly for u again.
Well, I hope wat u say is not a lie to mi.
As wat u NV accuse mi or watever so.
I treated u as fren n willing to help u out.
Yet u said I side them. U cant blame mi for getting tulan cos i heard it myself!
I jux dun lyk pple accused my for doing e tings which Im not in e wrong.
Everyting its over. Do take care, my fren. =)
I've got a fren hu i named him as an angel of mine.
He guide mi along when im having lots of troubles.
He warned mi lots of things n i noe i did make him angry for not listening to him.
He LET mi fall n climb up myself for being stubborn.
He advised mi wat to do, hu to trusted.
But now, wats he tinking i dunno.
I dint noe wats happening.
Are u ok? U noe hu u r. I noe u wun respond too.
Alright, as for him, I dunno wat i wan too.
Dun ask mi y, cos im confused by words ard mi, words u said.
Actions do speaks more than words.
Not by using money not by treating mi gd.
Prove to mi, wat can u do for mi.
I was tinking i couldn't cant get into ur life too.
Ur night life, ur frens ard u, ur everyting.
Simply so complicated to mi.
Well, as time goes by, everyting will b proven ba.
I kept working straight aft sch, aft sch.
No time nor homework, no time to go out!
Mrs Lee, i tink she gave up le ba.
She wun collect those homeworks le..
Elain: If u really want to study, study hard.
Dun bcos of u got mcs, dun came to sch.
Tr offers to teach u, u can choose not to go.
If u're not going to sch, dun sms mi say u going.
If i called u, not answering, at least sms n respond??
U wanted mi to nag at ur studies.
But, im human. Will get tired too. U understand??
I jux hope u really can study hard n complete ur tis yr.
Study for e sick of ur future, not for others. Decide urself.
In sch was tough.
Not enuff sleep on e previous day is making mi sleep in class e following day.
Missed quite lesson due to tt.
CAs cuming! Hu's going to cope mi, guide mi n pei mi study??
Cant slack. I mus at least finish my tis yr! >.<
How stress life could b. So much fan nao.
Its jux how u cope wif it. Hu u shared wif. Rite?
Finding a listening ears is not really an easy tasks ar!
Every1 can b a listening ears. But hu's really gd at it?
Lastly, pics of mine n frens! LOL..
Ah Ken called mi!! Gosh~ Surprising sia..
Enjoy n take care every1!

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