- My Acc! i DUNNO a ting at all!
- Went to e interview for e China trip..
End up, MOST of us not going.. Their plans was sooOooo not click to us..
Near out exam period got to go back for tis n tt.. Dun need study meh..
So we went in.. Told e teacher-in-charge..
Took back out forms, guess wat regina found..
A small cross on mi n her form.. While others DUN HV!
WTF! We noe hu's bhide tis doing tis 'signal' NOT to let us go!
But anyway, we jux dun tend to go either.. >.<
- Quarrel wif parents.. They jux called e wrong time doing e wrong ting! Urgh!!
*If you are not willing to be my listening ears, jolly well DUN make my when im in terrible mood!*
N of cos.. Tings to b happy abt for today was my Statis test..
Well, overall i find it not bad though there's still few mistakes i've made.. My afford was not wasted eh! =D
CHOCOLATES!! I cant live w/o IT! Esp when i was studying! =D

HAhas! Nice pics eh?? =)
I found tt actually i study at home alone its better den outside wif frens..
No offence to my frens huh.. =p
Its lyk i can sleep in e aftnoon.. Cos i perfer to study at nite.. Midnite..
SO nice sia.. =D
Tell mi wats e point when i was drinking my tea n eating chocolates at e same time??
Waste sia! LOL..
Oh ya.. B4 i end my blog.. Received a surprised morning call fum ah ken lei!
He is such a PIG tt he would actually wake up early in e moring give mi morning call..
HooooooW nice eh?? o.O
LOL.. appreciated.. Thks..
Ytd study till too late le.. Finally i left wif:
- Mon's test
- Tue's Acc
- Presentation!
Phew~ Yawn~ -.- *changing blogskin again.. Loves e WORDS but not e background lei..*
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