Well, mi n jo decided not to go for jap den she wanna go get her wine..
So a acc her den i smsed regina, tgt we went to fetch them.. =))
N yes! They were so surprise! (Thoes hu dun appreciate, pls! Dun tink u r worth k?!)
Waited for them so long.. End up wif a, 'A!', 'Hi!' n 'BYE'
LOL.. They simply jux TOO tired lar! 4given 4given.. =D
Faith joined us n we went to T1 had our lunch..
She told us lots of ting of their trip!
Elephant ride! Shooting stars!! Gosh~!! I wanted to c oso!! >.<
2day, while working.. Sth damn kong bu happened..
Actually i've type all out le..
But tis 2pit blog.. eveyting i type bottom all missing.. LOL..
Den lazy to type again.. Cos chatting on phone.. =D
Aft work, he cum fetched mi.. Jus to ask i 31st free.. -.-
Lyk my n his hp is fake sia.. Hmm.. He sent mi home..
So i try on 31st.. BUT no promise huh! LOL..
Alright, i shall end wif some pics.. =)
Mi n my best kaki! =)

Mi, nu ren n qui yi

mi n joey

Mi n car.. LOL.. Beside is my bro's arm

Myself myself! LOL..


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