Happy Mothers' Day to all mummies in the world! :)
You all deserves the best :)
For my family, a Long Champ bag for mummy and finally a dinner out with all family members
Crab feast @ Kovan
Putting this celebration aside, when I was searching/digging my drawer,
I found lots of lots of memories thingy.
Ever since I was very young~2013? Not sure either.
The paper/card/CD/photos all still working fine~
Surprisingly :)
Looking back all, I feel I'm happier last time.
Just wondering, what happened to me now?
Not treasuring or feeling contented in the past is what I'm regretting now.
But there's no way for me to turn back. And I don't want to.
I've lovely friends now. After going through all these years of studying in Pri, Sec, ITE, Poly, I've found real good buddies. Not many, but they all true enough.
After I started my social life, working as a full timer in accounting firm, CPFB, etc, I've seen alot too. And of cos, found people who I can keep in touch with, from colleague to friends.
People who always smile, who are strong in character, can be the weakest when they suddenly breakdown.
Letting all go, burning everything off, start a fresh :)
Holiday, just wait for me. 2 weeks more to go!
Happy, just come back to me <3 p="">
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