Tom came to fetch me and had brunch together at p.s café @ Dempsey. Not as nice for the food. Big portion for me. Bad choice. But I'll definitely go back for dessert. AT NIGHT. Because day time was way too warm! Plus I think night time will be more 'romantic' LOL!!
Just booked our tickets to Perth!! Next year's trip! <3 p="">Excited!! We going HK next week! And I'm happy he got me a super nice classic luggage during the fair last two weeks! Original price was $170. We got it at $120!
I guessed I've lost touch in blogging. Blogging is no longer the 'in' thing now a day. Fb, IG, Tweet, etc. When my dad got his iphone few months back, he intro me 'wechat'. Damnit.
Anyways, let me do a SUPER LOOOOONG post again!
BIRTHDAY 2014~~!!
Almost ALL birthday surprised failed! Except for Tom's! Too sudden!
Nevertheless, I spent my birthday well this year! Thanks for all lovely presents and wishes. Appreciated! :)) I'm so blessed to have u guys!
Working on my actual birthday! Dr Nah was bad at surprises too! Wahahaha! But thanks!!

2nd half of my day! Dinner at Zen! The food was super fresh and yummy!!

Than you so much for this lovely present and the meals! :))
The brand I ALWAYS wanted. He didn't get the big big 'dog tag' cos too common!
He knows me best! Too common = not special at all~
But I find it ridiculous, the big 'dog tag' is cheaper than this two mini hearts ?!?!?!
Another failed surprise! Wahahah! Cos he gave too much hint! :p
But still, I was sooooo excited to see what is it!
PARTY!!! I enjoyed myself so much! But next day got a super bad hangover~
Lucky he waited for me downstairs, if not I might be sleeping there. LOL!
P/s: Sorry to keep u waiting for 4 hours. :p
Forever sweet Bang Ling! Thanks for the present!
A treat from Feng! He insisted! Thanks buddy!
After work K with my loves!!!

Than, TADAH! A failed surprise! HAHAHA! But I still love it dears!

Not forgetting this man! Sha Mei bday, of cos he must celebrate w me! :))
And my dearest that I've known for 9years, and counting!
Thanks for the present! You never fail to meet me during my bday!