I NEED STARBUCKS to keep mi awake!! =)
Last Wed, mi, Mic n Vic meet early at school bus stop and went West Mall had Swensens!! =))

And Ajisen with AhQ cos I passed him the cam.
Mus take care hor! LOL!
Chat abt poly life. I admires his determination and creativity. =)
Keep it up!!

And 'Papa' drove mi down to had my laptop service center. Thanks and sorry to trouble u! =p He took this and ask me to post: 'What A Day' Cos I went school in the morning I cant fixed and need travel all the way down n STILL cant fix! Plus heavy rain! =.=

Alright, a short update abt THIS few days.
E-learning week = NO school =)
BUT do assignments!! =(Few days back went Kbox wif Ken n his NS fren, Panda. He's a Mr Ok/Nice guy. LOL. After singing session, we went for dinner cum supper! I swear they are a BIG eater! THREE person and we had:

And to my surprise, they did before hand!
Tue I reached and was late ard 10mins, they informed me one of the member done.
Haha! the onli ting they was kinda shocked was when they know my age.
LOL! We edited some and the rest of the time we chit chat.
Topic not much generation gap ok! LOL!
Anyway, my econs class was friendly! =)
Thur late 5mins.
Wei Jie told mi he did le I stunned again. O.O
Alright, jux add some graphic in and anim I did. LOL!
We doing video and off we went to Zhi Yong's place.
Cos nearest from school.
CLEMENTI!! Faintx!
I'm so sorry to drag their time till so late cos I keep NG.
Guys are more confident den gal rite?! =p
Ok, excuses. Just tt my English sucks to the max. -.-
And, TADAH!! I love the feeling of things are done on the day itself!
So cool! =D
Zhi yong's place.
Fking lots of COMICS!!!

My cute groupmates =) LOL

My sis showing off her pet at her bf's hse.
LOL. When I jux woke up.

Update again.
Tomorrow will be a buzy day for me!
Judy's and Shi Jun's chalet! =)
I sounds lyk not stress and no test rite? =.=
Belive or not, I'm fking stress!
P/s: Twinny, thanks alot! Hugzz!! ^^