Thursday, August 28, 2008
Reasons for not bloging:
1) Lappy not with me
2) Been working FULL (8am-10pm) from 23 Aug till now =.=
3) Tired and lazy
Shall update again with all my pics ard =)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Bread with thick nutella spread and milo powder on top!
So bloody yummy!!

I tink, I guess, I wonder.

BMGT exam = CUI~!
Seeing mi so stress, km's treat!!
After had my late lunch. I headed home den suddenly jie jie sms mi, Asking mi go work?!
Tell mi how to slim down with these FOOD?! LOL. =D
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Tough army throw him to dead. Laughs.
Waiting for him down for lunch as I dun feel lyk studying today. =p
My name?? Hmmmm.
First day of exams, I've forgot to take note of my exam room number.
So panic can called my hse, friends, etc. No1 was there to help!
Even my bro la! I bet he went back sleep aft recived my call!
Luckly yunru help me called Vivian and she helped me check.
Thanks!! =))
Second day, which was today.
I'm supposed to wake up at 5.30am,
inthe end, yunru called me at 6.40pm I den wake up la!!!
I'm soooooo rush!! Zooom to bus stop den to school! =.=
I had been repeating my careless mistakes.
With is SO bloody dumb!! You will never know wat I did!
Lost of marks and there.
I know what to do and how to do.
Just that my mind goes blank when I saw the exam paper.
Hopefully I wouldn't fail... ...
Yesterday we went to a playground whch I used to hang out with my brother last time.
Playing with the swings and memories was abit stupid i guess.
Went back home struggle hard and today end up lyk tis. >.<
And my sickening mama ask mi work STRAIGHT after exam!
She dun allow me to play.
Who cares!!! Urghx!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

At Yunru hse Study. I joined them only after our dinner.
I'm lazy. LOL.
Well, nth but play whenever we meet. hahas! =))
For the continuous last THREE days,
We had tuo hua for our supper.
Hahas! I'll gain back my weight sooner or later. =p
Photo: Took yesterday.

Haha. Poor them everytime got to reach home late.
I dun lyk going home early. So they pei me had tuo hua or chit chatting. =x
Nice nice nice. Den I everyday walked back
When I reached home,
he smsed me ask if I wan go geylang eat durains with his friend, he ride me down.
I wanted to la! But,
end up he called when he ate finished keep saying vr nice =.=
And this silly bought and bring it up right to my doorstep at 2++am la!
Hahahs! Crazy, but thanks!! =D
I know you are reading. Hoho..
I had it for breakfast and it taste damn goodddd! lol.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Hot topic in my house: My bf and I. -.- Over~
Went to work in the morning.
Knocked off, headed home and get ready to Cityhall meet them.
Last min they said wanna go.
House playing majong, cant study too. >.<
Flood with people there and we went CJ for yummy dinner. =)
Rushing to watch the fireworks. But too bad, shoot up while we rushing. =(
Not the best view, but still can see =))
Slacking after that.
I cant imagine IF i could actually be INSIDE the S'pore Flyer and WATCH the fireworks la!!
Feeling cant be describe ba! Ew~!
While waiting for Shi Min.,
we went Millenia Walk get chocolates!
P/s: U remembered this? =)
Xing Fu de Desmond!! =D
When Shi Min arrive..
Slack n slack. Den we took the last train home. =)
Watching of fireworks.
Make me thought of alot of memories.
All good memories I have for years.
Slowly I realise, its oso better for us.
Take goodie care! =D
Looking back in my blog entries,
I also realised, we have been through alot alot.
Can you tell how you feel? =)
Simply HATE my hp for deleting my PRETTY photos!!!! Urghx!!!