Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sat its a fixed one and here comes Sunday.
All thanks to my sis.
Whenever she lack of money or when her BF will be working.
She WILL call and say:
'ting ah. You got alot projects to do hor. Let me work can..... ... ... ...'
She opened her golden mouth. Can I say no even when I got nth oso.
I let her work.
Alright, and EVERYTIME. I cant work and wanted her to help.
9 out of 10 times!! I dunno why la!
Got thing got thing. BF n BF!
So bloody sickening can!
And wat, venting out here, I still got to go work on this Sun.
Exams are cming la!! >.< So fking pissed off!
Anyway, alittle bit about today.
I woke up late and went out late.
Rushed to school and make them wait for me.
9am sharp I reach and we rush to lecture.
Trying to force open the door.
But it was locked. We all were lyk ???
Than we realised there's no more leture la! -.-
Totally sian diao la!!
Hang ard canteen 4 as we didn't go b4.
Not a good canteen after all.
Wasted my 2hrs la! I would had sleep longer! >.<>Me, nerdy and yunru
I have pro using my lappy to take photos.
All come out to be FAT. =.= (Bear wif it =x)

Later bath, eat dinner, watch TV awhile.
Den mayb start my studying le. >.<>And tt secret character, you owe me 3meals la.
Come back from thail remember me ar! LOL.
HAve a nice trip! Hahas!! Come back fit liao. =x
Later after 12am would be Hungry Ghost Festival.
Warnings: Dont wear black, dont reach home late, Dun step on the burn thingy, etc
Alot alot. You will get it from ur mum. LOL.
Not a different mth for mi. Work n study still =.=
I'll do the same.
Sorry, I'm sick of these!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Alright a little post before I go... ... Work >.<
Today there's no lesson but party instead.
LMS n IAC completed.
And, its a confirm a pass!
Thanks Dewei for the pics! =)
Was early and decided to go home place my heavy lappy.
Well, I went to read twinny's blog.
So touch can?! Thanks babe!!
U are oways not forgotten!! (Though I abit bz!) =x
Yes yes, I felt HONOUR la! LOL. =D
Meet up real soooon alright!!
I hope I've got the time to really post out my feeling towards friends.
But somehow, if you appreciate them, they don't and when they read it?
Gosh~ What will they think man. LOL.
Clear all 'en en yuan yuan' in the past life would be much more colourful eh =)
So friends! I'll be having my holidays from Aug 22 (Last paper) till 2mths later!
Date me inadvance ok? =p
Cos as usual, I needa EARN! >.< *Any job to intro me? I need jobSSSS!*
This let my recall few weeks ago mum was telling me I earn very little tis month.
Yeah, and I reply: If you are not giving me any money, pls dun try to 'pity' me or ask how I survive.
Its obvious that she wun give ANY. So y mus I tell her how I survive?! >.<
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
people happily go sch,
I happily at here blogging. =.=
I slept as early as 12am ytd and was thinking morning wake up earlier to pack my stuff.
Alarm set 30mins earlier, when it rings in the morning, my mind keep tinking there's another 30mins to 'lai chuang'. And soooo...
I didn't wake up fpr school! LOL.
Going for IFA as today got class graded test,
and than break, ITB letu. Boring day I know.
aft school pei yunru stay back to wait for her lms group.
Than mayb go home rest.
What a day. =.=
Reached home after school.
Didn't stay back with Yunru and Irene cos I simply too tired.
Sorry gals! Cos they got company oso =)
Acc class graded. Chui~
LOL. Dunno how to do and din finish.
Hmmm. Cant get myself to sleep or study.
Dunno so early come back for wat. lol.
Most of all, tml my sis dun wan help me work!!
I couldn't get off. Soooo sorry fei fei! >.<
P/s: Stop your smoking and I'll stop eventually =)
If not, you will get it from me! heihei.
During leture just now and in MSN,
Irene and Jianxiong told me abt ur report result!
We got the highest in class!
Though its not A or not very good. But we need our best! =D
Good job guys!
I guess Jian Xiong would be the happiest! =))
Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Yesterday did my blog skin all these till 3.30am!
Haha. Sinply just because,
I ate too FULL.
Had dinner and supper with besties! =D
Yihao, Kiat and Min =))
Hahas! Its a wonderful weekend with NO work!
lalala. Anyway, morning I went school for itb meet up den went back home to put my lappie.
Off I went to compass look got them
decided to go Chong Pang (Yishun) market eat.
Our FOOD. So yummy and cheap la! =))

Except this. We waited for 30mins not as nice as chomp chomp.

Heading to Kiat's house. =))

Yihao. With a super nice gf who willing to do anything for him!
they simply sooooooo seet la! =))

We were talking about sitting in the middle of the behide seat.
Min was telling us that there was a gal roll down before and hit the handle.
Bus driver didn't even stop and see. =.=
Super idiot la!
And than.... ...
Yihao siggested by placing your hand this way and sit straight.... ... ...

So bloody kuku can! He dun allow me to take face. LOL.
At kiat's house... .. ...
Big mirror in the living room!

I wanted to eat durain so much!!
They said next time than off we went to Hong Kong Cafe at 11pm plus.
Supper time!!!
While waiting... ... ...

My all time favourite!
Dinosuar!! and theirs, yuan yang.

Had some snacks only but aready so full la!
LOL. We continue our chit chat though outside was having long queue.
Haha! We chat till midnight and than cabby home!
Next meet out of ours will be aft my exam =(
Anyway, wat Mrs Tina replied me.
"Kai & Tina"
"'Si Ting Tan'"
Friday, July 25, 2008 09:04AM
RE: Improving my presentation
Hi Si Ting,
Thank you for clarifying that you wore it with a coat.
Yes, I do recall that.
In view of that, it is ok. You must remember that in a real meeting with investors, you would have to wear your coat the entire time even when it is not your turn to speak J
Mrs. Tina
Alright, forgiven. But she make me loss interest in her module.
I didn't even wan to care so much for this presentation tml. >.<
Thursday, July 24, 2008
What a DAY~
Seriously, I have NEVER encounter this type of teacher before.
Making me real angry! Not I petty or what fucking ass.
She simply just picking on me luh! 1st presentation.
I admit I did real bad. But not till LOW marks ba?!
It's super low. Now, second projects, I spent hrs to do even till midnight 3am!
Mind you, every1 was alseep can~
And end up?! I'm sure another low marks for me. KNS rite!
The more I think, the more I tulan,
asked Irene and yunru for her email and i mailed her:
Si Ting Tan/acc/student/npnet
Thursday, July 24, 2008 10:42PM
Improving my presentation
Hi Ms Tina,
Siting here. Your Bcomm student. I would like to ask that the comment you gave for my 5% presentation, you said my blouse aren't sutiable. May I know why is it so? For your info, I'm wear a pink blouse WITH a coat. Thanks.
Haha, so funny and this was the our conversation:
Їя€йę says
Їя€йę says
still got highlight 'WITH'
ting - A smile will never go out of style (= - says
Їя€йę says
super sia
ting - A smile will never go out of style (= - says
i fuck care
ting - A smile will never go out of style (= - says
she dare, fail mi la
Їя€йę says
ur coat button de rite?
ting - A smile will never go out of style (= - says
knn, i hate people dun c the effort jiu suan le. still give this LJ comment. obvious I DIDNT go out w/o the coat rite
ting - A smile will never go out of style (= - says
i button it up and if she give a too STRICKING, i gonna shoot her again!
I have no idea why I cant print screen so I actually just copied and paste it in. LOL.
Shall see what reply she giving tml morning. Tml mac breakfast!! =))
Early in the morning quarrel with mum.
And no fail, she complain to dad and he called and shout me.
Whatever. I don't give a damn.
Just don't feel lyk going home. >.<>
and I'm STILL awake
while I've got to wake up at 6am,
for sch... ... ...
Ytd just completed my IAC presentation.
Great job! IS Modules completed!
LMS and IAC! =D
Later Bcomm.
The last presentation I have be my exam.
I've took 3hrs to do just the powerpoint slides.
Now gonna prepare the script.
Blame who?
Myself and sister!
She promised to help me work on Wed so that I can prepare for it.
End up she say she CANT. Excuses start poping out.
Myself. Blame me for not having any office wear la!!
Search up and down. Couldn't find a suitable ones. =.=
Time wasted.
Tomorrow's bag shall be the heavy ones = BAD
Haix~! >.<>Wish me luck! =D
Thing aren't the same,
I don't feel the same.
Let me be in love again...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Behide Closed Door
Simply so nice la! I hope someone can remind me to watch every week! >.<
I tend to forget u see. =x
Looks lyk I'm bloody FREE to blog everyday eh?
Cos I'm simply,
BORED! >.<
Done with my IAC,
was doing my Bcomm.
Half way, due to my English not good, I'm stucked.
Tt kelvin was watching TV and I cant ask him oso >.<
Must wait till he finish watching!
Soooo long la. Sianz~ -.-
Tml sch early, 9am must reach for preparation for presentation.
Tired lyk crazy la!
Exams exams! Still not yet study! Fking hell!
Some1 push me to STUDY!! >.<
Monday, July 21, 2008
Decided not to go for 1st lesson due to some reasons.
Well, woke up nth to eat, chit chat in MSN.
Off I go to sch for Biz Comm
No time to grab a bite course I'm late too.
Headed to Bt Gombak for my lesson aft my project meeting.
No food again.
I seriously regret taking it at there.
Simply TOO FAR.
Travel there needed 2 transports too.
Waste of money.
Go back by Mrt. 2buacks la! >.<
Urghx~! Wat to do?!
Took already wat!
Stomach was asking for food from driving till I reach hg mrt.
I start to feel the pain.
Slowly slowly I got home.
Nth to eat! =.=
I mus tong tong tong! Tong till tml morning! >.<
Actions speaks much much louder louder than words
Sunday, July 20, 2008

When a girl likes a boy, she dream of him every night.

Girl felt so loved when boy said he loves her.

And soon, she fall into a trap called love.

As time goes by... ...

And girls HATE last minute dating OR cancle of dating.

And soon, both get to know each other better and things are getting out of hands.
They had a talk and decided to broke up.

So, why got fall into love when you know it wouldn't last?

Lastly, Kelvin! This is for YOU! LOL! =p
Somehow, oldies love songs are so nice... =)
I just wanna know,
If ur life turns any better.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Womens' age are scecret =p
But of cos younger than my daddy la. LOL
We did the same surprise to her as wat we did to dad.
Hahas. She kinda scared dao LOL.
Work for today. Urghx!
ANGRY! Cos my sis DIDN'T come AT ALL! >.<
Ew. Super sucks la.
AhQ called ask if i wan watch NDP preview today de.
But I can't go!! So qi ren!! Even can oso no1 pei la -.-
LOL. Than I dunno he go find hu le >.<
Oh ya! Glenn! Happy Belated Birthday!
Soooo Sorry i 4got about it. And sooooo lame:
MSN Conversation:
Glenn: Happy Birthday to Glenn.
Ting: Gosh! I totally 4got abt it!
Hahas! Cold ba. This crazy here. Free I'll meet you out la!
I'm bz bz! =p
Below are some FUNNY emails I've received today:
Perfect Password
A woman was helping her husband set up his computer, and at the appropriate point in the process, she told him that he would need to enter a password, something he could remember easily and will use each time he has to log on.
The husband was in a rather amorous mood and figured he would try for the shock effect to bring this to his wife's attention.So when the computer asked him to enter his password, he made it plainly obvious to his wife that he was keying in....
His wife fell off her chair laughing when the computer replied:
Gonna upload some pics some day.
Not so free at the moment. LOL
Life is so sucky la... ... ...
Need to go work sooon.
Exams coming, and I haven study. Damn it.
Small quarrel occurrs with my sis.
Yesterday she said she coming home to stay.
This makes me feel sooo uncomfortable.
But nvm. She came back and she say she going bf hse stay.
Alright, it's better but y so sudden.
Today morning, I KNEW it!
She sms said she giddy and couldn't work.
Ask me go down. I was lyk WTF!
I'm waking up early from my 2.30am sleep due to BCOMM,
There she goes, 'Ask you help oso cannot de lei... ...'
And of cos, she got scolding from me again
Giddy? Might b true and might NOT be true.
Cos she's a 'bf sticker'! Urghx~! -.-
I know I'm in NEED of money.
But oso cant neglect my school work too.
I'm simply TOO slack!
I need some1 sit beside me, push/force me to study lyk hell!
Shall stop my nagsss here =p
Every1 cared me.
more den you.
We shall remain as friends.
Go ahead and get urself a new gf.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Course SAT and SUN = NO sch!
But, unfortunately, I've got project meeting held on SUN.
I've told them I'm working till 5pm, they still set it on Sun.
Whatever, I'm going work. Can't change too >.<
Anyway, all projects were due today.
GOOD JOBS GUYS!! Yunru, Irene, Jian Xiong and tian hong!!
And was kinda relive
BUT still having IAC, MICE and BCOMM. And i HATE presentation.
Got super low marks for that -.-
Cos I shy. Not lyk Ruru and Irene. =p
My dear gal was having problems with the word I hate most,
Ewww. Making me so sick >.<
Sit down and have a nice talk.
Find a good solutions other den break off.
One year plus rls aren't easy. =)
Guess these were what her friends and I had adviced her.
Decisions are still up to her la!
We wouldn't say a thing to your decision But,
we'll support you. =)
We get to talk alot on bus.
My past, her past. =)
Past is when we are young! LOL!
Iteresting,. And I doubt its better too =)
Think twice before you decide anythng ok?
Jia you! =D
Needless to say, life goes on no matter what.
And guys! Dun ever step on gf's tail!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Mum called while I was still in sch... ...
Mum: Where you?
Me: School doing project.
Mum: Still not cuming back ar.
Me: Doing project la. What?
Mum: U know today what day anot?
Me: Huh. Wat day?
Mum: Qi yue shi wu lei. (15 July lei)
Me: Eh? Shi wu? (15?) eh. Wat day?!
Mum: Ni bu zhi dao ar. Ni men hor. Qi jue shi wu lei. (You dunno eh? You all hor. 15 July!)
Me: 15? 15?! ORH! Zhong Chiu Jie!! ( Midautumn Festival!!)
Suddenly yunru, tian hong laugh at me.
Mum: Wat Midautumn Festival??!! PAPA BIRTHDAY la!
Me: Huh. Orh. So malu!
Wat a day! Haha! Anyway, owe daddy a present this year course I got NO time! >.<
Brothers and I gave him a small little cake to surprise him. =)
Ah ben called and he start his naggsss. LOL =x
Jk. Anyway. I know how to take care myself le la!
So old le. hahas!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I cant go out cos I'm sick! >.<
Sorry, I hate last min planning to go out and I HATE going out in the afternoon.
I think there's no point to meet every Sun as you dun understand me nor I'm willing to out with you.
You r having fun with your friends and neglect me.
Fine. U will get double it back I warn you!
Anyway, yesterday was a terrible day.
I woke up with body aching all over me.
Heavy migraine is super sux!
Esp all happened and I still went to work.
Slight fever in the afternoon.
Auntie say I need to eat some tonic to build up my body.
And I took jia jia liang teh. LOL.
Who cares when I got home.
Rest awhile and do some stuffs.
After bath was lyk 1am.
Den continue doing my work while chatting.
Slept at 4.30am, woke up at 9.30am.
Slacking till now.
Like doing nth.
Thanks Kelvin for helping me with some of my stuff.
Though its a short one. Hahas!
Course he failed to do so.
Say n say ONLY Whatever,
I dun give a fking damn anymore.
Headache still continues, f f f! So fking sick of it la!
I wan get well soon! With headach, I cant do anything la! >.<
I din had anything till now, I'm hungry =p
It's been age since I've got surprises.
Thank for your supper anyway! =)
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Outside... ...