I miss my bed! =x
Been staying at his place and
snatching of blanket isn't fun at all. LOL!
Den being dump at there he went Malaysia =.=
Yesterday better, went geylang bought durains! *slurp* =)
And of cos looking out for chio ah guas and 'hot chicks' lol.
Alright, I saw Malays'! Hmmm. Damn chio la! Laughs
Forgotten when, he fetch me for dinner and my bro follows,
Tian Ji Zhou (Frog porridge). Super nice la! *thump up* =))
Ruru's 'bus driver' intro to this fish head soup! Niceeee too! =D
Hahas! Ok ok. Dave.
Ruru's hse
This is the only way and food that allow us not to feel stress:
Saying my Common Tests!
I confirm I need a retest for ITB(confirm fail!) and IFA (I tink so)
What can I do when it has already past?
I should enjoy my 2weeks holiday starting from tomorrow!
The only think I could say is, poly isn't the right choice for me. Phew~
TODAY, straight after my test,
He came fetch mi from his place to hg den he went back to jurong. =.=
I DIDN'T force him! LOL!
Outing with my dearest Quiyi to airport T3!
We wanted to go looong looong time ago!
Finally, and so qiao my granpa was back today from Vietnam too.
1st place we visited: Toilet.
Found sth 'cute' of having is this Anti-bacterial to wash toilet bowl.
and more photos cuming up.. =D
Buy an air ticket and you can go in to enjoy duty-free branded. LOL!
So nice la! HAHA!
Front: Its lyk eating in a bird nest.
This is wat attract us most. Cool~
Another side of the inside.
Leafs are all around hanging on the wall! Creative!
Food hunting. Dinner was settled at Popeyes!
Haha. We both thinks that KFC is actually worth eating den this.
1st time trying. Not tt bad =)
After dinner, headed to T2. Nth much as compared to T3!

End my today's post with our pics =))

I miss this Ruru's
DOG! Wahahaha!!
Simply so cute and active!
p/s: dun ask mi y I'm not scare of him. LOL!
Tomorrow's plan: by tt idiot
Gonna force mi get my PDL and learn driving. =.=
Wanna me drive him nxt time =.=
Kns. hahas!
*Happy belated 21st Birthday, Benson!*
Leave a ag when you saw! Touch ma! LOL!