Blogging using my sis laptop can b so ma fan man..
Due to my living room com was down few weeks le n yet no1 seems to bother. -.-
Got so much things to blog.. But was lazy..
Tot i could study tis week.
But i've got to work out of e sudden.
Urghx.. $!!
Photos I've took RECENTLY.. LOL.
Make a guess!! Which 1 is mi?? Haha..

Siblings! Kids time!

Get ready to watch fireworks! Tot i would missed tis yr's. But still, i went to watch.. Brought my small bro along.. He seems to b so excited! =)

Actually was watch wif e gals. But we lost our way. So watch it wif sis n bro.
Big bro dun enjoy tis kind. so... hahas

Dunno when again i meet my long lost gal!!
She said it seem lyk 20yrs! LOL..

They r LATE. HAHA. Decided to draw my acc LINES. =.= lol

We went to lots of places.
Lunch was settled at nearby bugis there de Baku Teh. Damn nice!
Tea break was at TCC. Oreo cheesee cake n mango drink! Yummy..
Dinner at Sakae. N we had tis. Raw scallop. Taste not bad =)
I ate 3meals tt day. O.O

Hobby Craft for tis term.
We drew our pics on tis sheet or transparent tingy before pasting it onto e small glass.
Start wif e outline. Waited for ard 1hr den add colours.
Teacher asked us to bring back as it need 2days to get totally dry up.
We left it in locker.

Following week we went again.
We couldn't pull out of pics.
We got to draw straight onto e small glass.
So hard to wait for it to dry la. lol.
Mine =)

At e last min, i helped Janice to drew tis dog. It looks weird.. LOL

End of my sch.. LOL.. =D
Ohya.. Twinny took tis pic ytd.. She got nth better to do =.= Hahas.

Dunno when they started to play 'jia jia jui' n make mi as their 'ah ma' =.= hahas.
FINAL exams are rd e corner! Good luck IQO! =D

Im so in love wif purple. *.*