I was so anxious abt TML's 'test'!
While i was trying to check on it on tis evening,
I found out its on TODAY MORNING!! >.<
WTF!! He was lyk so shocked when i jumped out from e chair n start shouting. =.=
Urghz! I hate myself for being so blur la!
Wasted my money! >.<
I told wat happen to clinic's pple.
They was lyk SO USED TO IT =.=
Auntie said i was smart BUT 'MCC'
Qy n i was lyk SO blur abit wat is MCC n we asked.
Auntie replied 'Aiya, Ur youngsters dunno wat short form meh?'
'MCC' = Mong Cha Cha (Blur Blur)
Well, its SOOoo LAME can. LOL.
Full laughter when 3 of us is working =)
27 June 2007
Went to watched Fantasy 4 wif benson.
Nice movie eh. =D
Den headed to singing session wif yh, ah boon n min. =)
HAHA.. Sing lyk mad esp ah boon la.
Stupid sia! LOL. Meet out again nxt week! =D

Yh was ly kgoing crazy when he say MAC's chilli! LOL

26 June 2007
Weee! Wif Mic n min.
Nice outing wif LOTS of pics.

Beach. Hmmm..So relax!

Dinner was settled at Chomp Chomp wif yi hao.
-Slup- Thump up! Seafoodsssssss... ^^

Eh.. I dunno y i counldn't upload pics today. =(
Will try uploading again tml again in tis same entry.
My 'stupidness' was making mi tml morning SO free! =.=